
The cause of headaches

The cause of headaches. Headache can be caused by stress, diet, some medications, neck, jaw, nerve or hormonal problems, and eye, ear, nose and throat conditions...

headaches cause

1. The cause of headaches 1: Weight 

In a recent study, scientists found that obese women with BIM about 30 have more likely to have headaches 35% higher than those with lower BIM. Severe obesity (BIM about 40) increases the risk of headache up to 80% compared with those with normal weight.

2.The cause of headaches 2:  Personality

Those take such certain personalities as rigid, conservative and or obsessive likely hurt more. So, if you have these characteristics, you should learn to have a open thinking, try not to be tormented by these things through and find the opportunity to communicate with others. 

3. The cause of headaches 3: Sexual intercourse

In a recent study, 46% of headache sufferers said that sexual intercourse is a factor causing this symptom. The patient can feel pained in the long time in the foreplay or have a sudden pain when reaching orgasm (this condition usually occurs in men). In some rare cases, severe headaches can occur for patients with tumors or aneurysms. However, for almost all people, headaches are "in love" is harmless

4. The cause of headaches 4: Resting too much

According to Dr. Alexander Mauskop, the director of the Center for Pain Research New York (USA), "weekend headaches" may occur when you change your lifestyle suddenly, going to bed later, light up later, lying in bed longer and etc doctor's advice in this case is that you should maintain a regular lifestyle. If your time for sleep remains the same, you will feel more refreshed than sleeping until noon.

5. The cause of headaches 5: Skipping meals

If you skip meals to loose your weight or because you are so busy, this can reduce the sugar blood level. If you do not keep energy for your body, your brain will not function normally because there is no energy supply from glucose in the blood. So, you can have headaches, sweat, become dizzy, and tired. If this situation occurs in the long time, your brain can hurt.

6. The cause of headaches 6: Strong smell 

Strong smell including flavor is a reason causing headache for many people. Causes of this symptom are still not clear but flavors can stimulate the nervous system.  common factors are: paint, perfume and flavor of some flowers.

7. The cause of headaches 7: Do not exercise

According to Swedish study, those not regularly exercising are more likely to have headaches than others. You only need to do aerobic 20-30 minutes per day, 5 days week, you can reduce stress, increase blood circulation to the brain and the amount of endorphins which help improve mood

8. The cause of headaches 8: Eating habits

Some kinds of food and drinks are a factor causing headaches while other types help to reduce the pain. Headache sufferers should eat spinach, tofu, olive oil, white beans, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and avoid red wine, beer, chocolate, sausages, salt pork leg.