
Do not eat the some food when having a headache

Do not eat the some food when having a headache
When having a headache, if you eat some kinds of food, it will make you feel worse. So, do not eat the following food:

The food replaces sugar.
Saccharose will over stimulate or obstruct the nerves, strain muscle that leads to migraine.
Saccharose often is included in soft drink, ice cream, chewing gum, etc and the medicines that contain aspartam sugar.
People who are allergic to the sweetener drink only a little cold drink that can also cause a headache.

Alcoholic food
Wine and beer, especially the red wines are the popular drink that cause the headache because they contain alcohol. Although, when you drink with a fixed quanity,they can build up a resistance and strengthen immune system, but it will become a cause that makes the headache if  you overuse.


Alcohol contains sulfite that makes you have allergy, asthma, headaches. In addition, wine also increase blood flow to the brain causing dehydration.
All the alcoholic drinks cause the headache, especially, the red wine contains a lot of chemicals causing headaches. If you really like drinking two glasses per day, the best way is you choose the vodka wine – the white, colorless wine.

The food contains nitrites.
Sausage, ham, bacon, fast food and many other interesting foods are produced with nitrite. It is the essential substance to raise the pasteurized maintenance in wrapping. 
Nitrate, nitrite, monosodium glutamate spasm blood vessels and cause headaches in some people.
So, in your daily life, you should reduce to the minimum.

The foods contain tyramine.
Tyramine contained in some food such as filbert, tomato, pork, cheese, chocolate, milk may be the reason leading to the headaches.
The more perennial cheese, the more tyramine it contains.
Like cheese, banana and nut also contain a lot of tyramine.
Shell side of the banana contains much tyramine than the intestine, so when peeling you should peel away the piece sticking to the fiber banana.

The foods contain caffeine.
Every morning, a cup of coffee is a great drink. It helps you have a sound mind and your work becomes more effectively.
A small amount of caffeine can reduce the headaches. In drug, a little caffeine is used to absorption of the medicine.
However, coffee stimulates the nervous system and affects sleep. Much drinking can cause addiction. When you are addicted to coffee, you can be migraine. So, coffee absorption per day less 100 mg is the best (about a cup of black coffee).

Food is cooked with many spices.
If you are a fan of the dishes cooked with many spices, you should be careful because these foods often contain an important enzyme to deodorize amino acids in food additives.
10-20% headaches people are caused by these substances. This phenomenon usually occurs about 15 minutes after meal with pain in the forehead.

Caution using painkillers.
If you exceed the prescribed dose that not only does not reduce the pain but also can make your headaches worse. If your headache is chronic disease, you should not use the painkillers more than twice or three times a week and it is time for you to go to hospital.
