
Foods cure headache

Foods cure headache. Selecting foods that have to reduce pain will help you solve the headache “healthier” than the use of pain medication. 

Taking a painkiller, turning off the light and going to bed are the habits of many people when facing with headaches. There are a few people know that these food can help to alleviate this discomfort pain. 

Foods cure headache

Foods cure your headache

1. Baked potatoes 

This delicious dish will help to relieve the pain, especially, the pains related to alcohol in beer and wine. Alcohol is diuretic substance. Therefore, we are not only dehydrated but also make the body lose electrolytes such as potassium. Eating foods that are rich in potassium is measure to alleviate the “remnants” of the remaining alcohol in the body related to headache. It is amazing that the amount of potassium in a baked potato (with skin) up to 721 mg. Meanwhile, a banana diet contains approximately 467 mg. 

2. Watermelon 

Dehydration is one of main causes of headaches. So, instead of drinking a painkiller to relieve pain from discomfort headache pain symptom quickly, you should the foods containing much water such as watermelon. Natural water in the fruits and vegetables contains essential minerals such as magnesium. This is the key to prevent the pain from occurring. Diets include 2 cups watermelon without seed, a half of yogurt, a little honey and a half of minced ginger teaspoon will be the best choice to provide water for the body. Ginger reduces nausea, a typical symptom when having headache. Some more foods containing much water is strawberries, cucumbers, soups, oatmeal, tomatoes and lettuce. 

3. Foods are rich in carbohydrate 

People who eat lack of starch should note that: too little carbohydrate in the diet can be a cause of headache that you often catch. If your diet has too little carbohydrate, the glycogen reservation will decrease – but it is the main source of energy supply for the brain. This is likely to accelerate water loss in the body. By limiting the energy source into the brain and causing dehydration, the diet has too little carbohydrate is an original cause of headache. Therefore, you need to build a rich carbohydrate diet by focusing on these foods such as bread made from coarse flour, oatmeal, fruit or yogurt. A rich-carbohydrate diet also help to improve your mental because it stimulates the body to release more serotonin, a hormone help to calm your mental. 

4. Almonds 

The results of the study show that the amount of magnesium found in almonds can protect the body from the “attack” of headache by calming blood vessels. As the experts, a rich-magnesium diet can reduce the symptoms in people who have migraine. The rich-magnesium foods include banana, dried apricots, avocados, almonds, cashews, raw rice, legumes and nuts,… 

5. Yogurts 

To deal with headaches, the body needs calcium. The brain will rely on calcium to act more efficiently. So, you should enhance the rich-calcium foods in the diet such as fat-free yogurt. This is a good source of energy to the body, which do not contain sugar and has more probiotics, the beneficial bacteria to the intestines. 

6. Sesame seeds 

Though the sesame seeds are tiny, they contain a lot of nutrients. Sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E, keep estrogen level be always stable and prevent migraine. They also improve circulations, enrich magnesium so they are very efficient in preventing headache. 

7. Bina vegetable 

Bina vegetable is proved that it can reduce blood pressure and calm the pains. To have a delicious and preventing the headache, you should replace lettuce with bina vegetable in daily meal.