
Why You Should Never Drink Ice Water with Meal? Is Drinking Cold Water Bad?

"You likely realize that warm water opens your pores and makes your skin feel looser, while cold water shuts your pores and constricts your skin. Guess what? Drinking cold water does likewise thing to your digestive tract!"

The differences between drinking Cold water and drinking Warm water

What usually happens to your body when you drink Cold water?

1.  Blood vessels are contracting.
2.  Digestive system gets confined.
3.  Hydration is blocked.
4.  Body is attempting to direct your body temperature as opposed to creating energy throw digesting the food and absorbing the nutrients.
5.  Catching colds and diseases gets easier when accustomed to drinking cold water on the grounds that it decreases the function of immune system which is brought about by the making of overabundance mucus in the body because of drinking chilly water after the meal.
6.  Drinking cold water while you are eating or quickly after, the temperature of the water solidifies the fats from the consumed food and makes harder for the digestive system to process the undesirable fats from the body.

Some people think that drinking cold water burns more calories as it makes the digestive system to work harder. The above stated fact is true but there are a lot of simpler ways for burning calories than to do this by drinking cold water which is more difficult for our body.

What happens comparatively to your body when you drink water on room temperature or warmer?

1.  Increases and fastens hydration of the body. 
2.  Makes food easily to break down.
3.  Drinking warm water with a lemon in the morning is very healthy because this makes your bowels move better. 
4.  Stimulates natural digestive enzymes and enhance your digestion.
5.  It decontaminates your blood and expands your body’s regular detoxification processes by means of your skin, kidneys and lymphatic system.
