
30+ Surprising Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium

Calcium will be the crucial nutrients in the body of a human. Generally the grownup requires 1000 milligrams calcium per day. Deficiency of calcium results in bone issues, such as osteoporosis (in this case bones become brittle due to bone loss) and also rickets.

Basically the most obvious supply of calcium will be milk products. But, dairy products are usually ample with condensedfats, which in turn can make an unhealthy option for individuals having high cholesterol or maybe attempting to reduce fats as well as calories. If you cannot or maybe will not take dairy products, it is possible to still obtain calcium through some other resources such as grains, vegetables, fruits etc. Number of non-dairy supply of calcium can be consumed to individuals whom are unable to take dairy products due to health-related issues.

What is calcium?

Calcium is a mineral found in many foods. The body needs calciumto maintain strong bones and to carry out many important functions. Almost all calcium is stored in bones and teeth, where it supports their structure and hardness.

Calcium is one of crucial nutrients most of us have to maintain healthy and balanced. Calcium keeps the bones and teeth healthy and strong. Moreover, it helps muscle tissues, as well as nerves to function effectively.

How much Calcium do we require?


Age 15-50        1000 mg
Age 51-70+      1200 mg


Age 15-70         1000 mg
Age 71+            1200 mg

Things you should do?

1.    Top your salads with broccoli, almonds, seaweed and sunflower seeds.
2.    Consume processed fish having bones. Generally the bones are gentle enough intended for intake. A single serving gives about 35% from the recommended daily consumption.
3.    Take grains products as well as nuts because they consist of 8-10% of the recommended daily intake.
4.    Eat 2-5 fruit and veggies. Usually, every fresh fruit and also vegetable provides 4-5% of the calcium's RDI. For this reason, having 2-5 servings gives 20-25% of calcium recommended daily intake.
5.    Have a calcium health supplement, or consume calcium-fortified food products.
6.    Mix tofu as well as kale and other greens into your soups.
7.    Spread hummus or almond butter on whole grain.

The reason why select non-dairy sources of calcium?

Some people don’t consume dairy products. The reason could be they:

1.    Have the allergic reaction to dairy food.
2.    Possibly not capable to process the lactose present in milk products;
3.    Does not like milk products;
4.    Certainly does not take milk products due to health related problems.

If you don't take dairy products, it is recommended to obtain calcium from various other food items. Here is the directory of those foods.

30+ Non-Dairy Calcium Sources


Canned Salmon
Sockeye salmon, processed having bones
Pink salmon, processed having bones
Scallops, steamed
Shrimp, processed


Beet greens, cooked properly
Mustard greens, cooked properly
Collard greens
Broccoli, cooked properly
Rutabaga, cooked properly
Yellow, green, or waxed beans
Kale, cooked properly
Turnip greens, cooked properly
Bok Choy, cooked properly
Parsnips, cooked properly
Dandelion greens
Okra, frozen, cooked properly
Tomatoes, processed

Fruits-Dry fruits

Dried figs


Black-eyed Peas
White beans, cooked properly
Soybeans, cooked properly
Navy beans, cooked properly
Pinto beans or chick peas, cooked properly
Tofu (made having nigari)
Tofu (made having calcium)

Nuts and Seeds

Chia seeds
Almonds, dry roasted
Whole sesame seeds
Brazil or hazelnuts
Almond butter

Non-Dairy Drinks

Fortified grain or soy drinks


Wheat grains flour
Amaranth, boiled

Other food

Regular molasses
Blackstrap molasses
