
Too Much Vitamin C - Is It Harmful? Vitamin C Side Effects You Must Know

An abundance of anything is awful for your wellbeing and this is valid on account of vitamin C too. 

Without a doubt vitamin C avoids and cures cough and cold and a few different diseases, yet consuming vitamin C in a sum more than what is needed by the body can result in a few reactions, which can take up the form of health hazards.

Adverse Effects of Excess Vitamin C

1. Stomach problems

Excess vitamin C in the body is flushed out as waste. Be that as it may even the waste reasons damage to the entrails. The resultant gastrointestinal anxiety may prompt stomach issues, for example, diarrhea and vomiting.

2. Dizziness and queasiness

An overabundance of vitamin C in the body prompts constant dizziness and queasiness. The sickness is joined by spasms in the stomach and midriff area and rehashed retching.

3. Kidney stones

The increment of vitamin C content in your framework prompts the arrangement of stones in the kidney.

4. Indigestion and heartburn

If you consume an large quantity of ascorbic acid, you will experience the ill effects of indigestion and heartburn.

5. Sleepy & Tiredness

Tiredness of the muscles is one of the boss reactions of abundance vitamin C. In spite of the fact that you are tired, it will be troublesome for you to get rest. An individual who devours more vitamin C than what is needed by the body experiences a sleeping disorder. No slumber implies that the tiredness persists and you feel drowsy.

6. Skin issues

1.    Excess ascorbic acid prompts redness or flushing of facial skin.
2.    If vitamin C is straightforwardly applied to the skin, it may prompt hypersensitivities, skin rash and skin aggravation.

7. Too much Oxidation

Consumption of abundance vitamin C prompts the development of more oxidative species in the blood than is needed by human body. The abundance of 8-oxoadenine and 8-oxoguanine in the blood lymphocyte can harm the white platelets beyond repair.

8. Intervene medicines

While ascorbic acid aides in anticipating stomach disease, an additional dose may additionally meddle with the medication of a cancer patient.

Bottom line

The human body begins demonstrating a few physiological issues if there is an overabundance of vitamin C in the framework.

A specialist may recommend high dosages of ascorbic acid to an individual who demonstrates the absence of vitamin C in his body. By and large a most extreme of 60 mg to 100 mg of ascorbic acid is sufficient to avert and cure infections like cough and cold, skin cell repair and ageing.

Despite the fact that the reactions of abundance vitamin C in the human body are numerous, they are not intense and can be promptly ceased on the off chance that you control your every day dose of vitamin C. Keep in mind, additional vitamin C does not guarantee an expanded lessening of infections.
