
Improve Eyesight & Reduce Eye Strain: 15 Eye Exercises & Relaxation Techniques

In the past decade and a half, the number of people using glasses and contact lenses has increased drastically. This can be attributed to the increase in watching television and increased usage of computer at home as well as at work.

Our eyes, like any other part of the body, need regular exercises in order to be healthy. If one starts wearing glasses or contact lenses, their eyes get used to the new lenses. As time goes by, the eyes may need stronger lenses in order to function properly, thereby making the eyesight get even worse. People who wear glasses and contact lenses would have experienced this.

1. Blinking

Blinking, an often disregarded exercise, is a simple way to keep one's eyes fresh and it helps focus longer. Those who use computers frequently or watch television for a long time tend to blink less, especially when they focus intently on something.

Here is a simple exercise:

1.      For two continuous minutes, try to blink every three to four seconds. After doing this, you can mentally sense how your eyes feel - are they strained? Tired? Or are they relaxed? 
2.      For the next two minutes, try not to blink for 30 seconds at a time.
3.      Can you feel the difference?

This simple exercise reduces eye strain and it keeps the eyes very fresh. It also expels previous information and makes the eyes prepared for new information thereby reducing tension in the eyes.

2. Vertical lines

Close your eyes. See complete Darkness. Open your eyes in the center. Now look straight up and straight down, drawing a straight line with your eyes. Inhale as you look up, exhale as you look down. Repeat 10 times. Close your eyes, allow them to be bathed in darkness.

3. Horizontal lines

Open your eyes in the center. Now look to the left as you inhale and exhale as you draw a straight line with your eyes to the right. Repeat 10 times. Close your eyes, allow them to be bathed in darkness.

4. Palming

Palming is an exercise done by keeping one’s palms around the eyes. This has to be done when one is not wearing any lenses. This exercise stimulates extremely powerful acupuncture spots which calms down one’s mind and relaxes the muscles surrounding the eyes, thereby reducing stress around the eyes. Palming results in increased circulation and provides healing power to the eyes.

How to do Palming:

1.      Take deep breaths
2.      Sit on a flat table.
3.      Now, leaning forward, keep both your elbows on the flat surface of the table. Gently close your eyes. Rub your both hands to each other.
4.      And immediately keep both your hands over your eyes. Your palm’s cup should cover your eyes while fingers should be on your forehead. The heel of your hand should be resting on the cheekbones.
5.      It should not be too tight as it might give a large amount pressure on the eyes. You should be able to blink easily.

This exercise provides an opportunity not to see, but to concentrate on keeping your eyes and mind relaxed at the same time. 

It is recommended that one should do this exercise only for three minutes at a time. However, palming can be done as much as one prefers - all through the day in order to keep their eyes relaxed.

