
Too much sitting is killing you, even if you exercise! Health damages of prolonged sitting?

Prolonged sitting for too long is not good for our health. Today’s modern society has been engineered for sitting; hence, people spend more ...

Who came first, chicken or egg? Answer is Chicken!

What came first, the chicken or the egg? It’s an age-old scientific and philosophical mystery that’s stumped generations of scientists, has ...

15 Things You Didn't Know About Teeth. Amazing Facts about Teeth!

We all know our teeth are very significant for smiling, eating, and talking, but most often we doesn’t know how cool teeth can be. Many dise...

Wrong Food Combinations You Must Avoid as per Ayurveda. Incompatible Foods

Although some food stuffs are quite safe, Ayurveda enlightens that combination of two specific safe foods may not be ideal for our health. I...

Never sleep with your head facing North direction! Sleeping Directions Ideal tips

Why sleep is important? Comfortable, Sound, and timely sleep is one of the most important thing which everyone need every day.  During sleep...

White, Green or Black: Which One is the Healthiest Tea?

Difference between White, green & black tea White, green and black teas come from the same tea plant, ‘Camellia sinensis’. The main diff...