
Minamoto Teru English Voice Actor

Akane is in love with Aoi obsessed even. The ghost of a young girl who. Kara Edwards - Sakura Nanamine. Minamoto teru english voice actor ....

Minamoto Kou Voice Actor

Kou Minamoto 11 episodes 2020. On MyAnimeList you can learn more about their role in the anime and manga industry. MyAnimeList is the large...

Minamoto Kou English Voice Actor

Voice Actor s JP. Aaron Campbell - Lemon Yamabuki. Kou Minamoto Anime Hanako Anime Icons David is best known as the voice of Shoto Todor...

Minamoto Teru Voice Actor English

Kara Edwards - Sakura Nanamine. The kanji on Kous earring means traffic 交通 kōtsū hence the nickname Mitsuba gave him and the first kanji of...

Who Voices Minamoto Teru English

The lightning can also travel over some distance as seen when Teru shocked Hanako from behind and when he zapped multiple zombies from an a...