
After an Abortion - Ideal Diet & After-Care Instructions

After a miscarriage or abortion, the woman needs to be very cautious in her diet to recover back rapidly. Consuming the right kinds of foods after an abortion may help speed up the process of physical and mental recovery.

Ideal Diet

1. Iron and B vitamins

Add fish, eggs, tender chicken, tuna, shellfish, beef, lamb, pork, meat, animal liver, soybean, dates, fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Cooked dry beans and peas contain high protein, iron and B vitamins.

2. Water

Excessive sweating is a common after abortion. Therefore, have 8-12 glasses of clean water every day. This prevents dehydration and stomach problems like constipation and vomiting.

3. Avoid spicy food

Avoid eating very spicy food. Include eggs or chicken in two meals or 4-5 times a week.

4. Protein

Include protein rich food in your diet. Protein increases the production and count of blood cells in the body. Almonds, baked beans, peas, eggs, cold fish, bananas, carrots, avocado, cottage cheese, oranges and green leafy vegetables are the rich sources of protein.

5. Low fat dairy Products

Low fat dairy food such as probiotic yogurt or homemade natural curd supply calcium and maintains our body strength after abortion. They also provide vitamins and proteins which are very essential for fast recovery.

Precaution Tips

1. Sex

We recommend you not to have any kind of sex for at least 2 weeks after an abortion to minimize the risk of infections. 

2. Breastfeeding

You don't need to discontinue breastfeeding if you have had a surgical abortion.

3. Exercise & physical works

Do not exercise for 2 weeks including stretches. Swimming, outdoor games, horse riding, going to the gym and heavy physical work at home can all increase bleeding. 

If you have young children, for the first few days try not to carry them more than required – especially up and downstairs.

4. Alcohol

Never drink alcohol for first 2-3 days following your medical treatment and taking antibiotics. Consumption of alcohol may increase the risk of heavy bleeding.

5. Leaking breasts

Do not squeeze, stimulate or press your breasts and nipples for 2 weeks because this will increase the leakage. You can wear soft supportive bras to help with discomfort and soreness.


1.      Always drink boiled water in place of tape water.
2.      Avoid eating very spicy food.
3.      Avoid cold foods or Ice cream till absolute recovery.
4.      Apply a warm compress on abdominal area daily for 1 week.
5.      Take warm bath at least for 1 month.
6.      Keep consulting your gynecologist for 5-6 weeks.

