
Why You Should Drink Water from A Copper Cup? Health Benefits of Copper Water

The health benefits of copper include utilization of iron, proper growth, enzymatic reactions, connective tissues, ageing, hair growth, eyes...

How to Purify Water with Hydrogen Peroxide. Simple, Inexpensive Method

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) may be utilized as a part of water treatment process for making sanitized water in emergency disaster situations. H...

10 Ayurveda tips on Drinking Water you should know!

Correct Ayurvedic way to drink water 1.   For one thing, take a seat to drink (pretty much as you ought to take a seat to eat). 2.   Take si...

How Much Water Should We Drink and When is The Best Time to Drink It?

Right Times of Drinking Water Drinking water in right times guarantees the best possible smoothness which is obliged and requested by body. ...

Is Drinking Water While Eating Good For You? Does it Disturb Digestion?

Is it true that it is advantageous to drink while you eat? Our bodies perform various procedures while eating and processing so it is critic...

Why You Should Never Drink Ice Water with Meal? Is Drinking Cold Water Bad?

"You likely realize that warm water opens your pores and makes your skin feel looser, while cold water shuts your pores and constricts ...