
9 Migraine treatment tips

Migraine abuse, make you feel irritated. You can refer to 9 Migraine treatment tips. 

You cannot reduce the pain immediately, but at least you can have the experience of prevention and treatment of disease. 

Migraine treatment

9 Migraine treatment tips

1. Writing up headache’s diary.

Keep detailed records of your headaches as how long it lasts. What level of pain. And before having headache, what did happen?

For example, food is considered as “suspect”, stress, menstruation, sunlight, perfume and even weather changes.

Such notes will help you have a better overview of the factors that cause headaches and know how to avoid them.

2. Keep an eye on the diet

Dietary factors are considered to cause migraines. If you cannot determine the food that causes your headaches, it is better say “no” with: monosodium glutamate, red wine, canned meat and other food contain sodium nitrite.

3. Magnesium supplement

Magnesium helps relax blood and reduce the risk of producing electrical signals inside brain that cause migraine.

You can take magnesium supplement pills, but it is the best to take magnesium to the body in natural way by eating wheat, green leafy vegetables and peanuts (though with some people, peanut is the cause of headaches).

4. Eating healthily

Eating healthily as well as not skipping a meat is also important as avoiding the food that causes headaches. Brain‘s activity was due to two factors: oxygen and the metabolism of food.

When out of sugar, it is time that you need to “feed” your brain. One advice for you is that you should eat a piece of fruit before bedtime to prevent the pain that can occur in the next morning.

5. Be careful with caffeine, alcohol and tobacco

For some people, coffee is the main cause of headache. Wine, especially red wine, dark wine may also be the reason as well as tobacco. It is the best to abstain from these things.

6. Compliance with strict bedtime

Even at the weekend, you also should sleep punctually. On any given day, you should try to concentrate on sleeping and waking up on time.

Understand that you are talking about a very sensitive issue of the nervous system and any changes, internal or external, can also change the state of your health.

7. Exercising regularly

The aim is to increase the production of endorphins, natural reducing pain substances in the brain. You should take 20-30 minutes for exercises like brisk walking three times per week.

8. Handling stress

Please try every way to reduce stress, from massage to yoga. Find yourself what can be done immediately and relatively gentle such as reading, walking even shopping if you are comfortable.

9. Cold towel/ bags

Cold state has a bit anesthetic so if you have a pain, you can take cold towel or bag on the forehead. No need for ice water, all you need is some ice wrapped in a towel and then a comfortable feeling will come soon.